Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Real on Resolutions - 2018

I would love to lose 30 pounds in the blink of an eye. I would love to have my house clean 24/7. I would love to wake up VERY early every day and go walking/running. I would love to be able to cook/meal prep breakfast, lunch, and dinner for my husband, promptly, every day. I would love to have time (and energy) to put a full face of make-up on every single morning. I would like to be Peggy the Pepster, and have a pep in my step, and a smile on my face every moment of every day. I'd love to pray more, read the Bible more, be a better friend,  be a better wife, be a better stepmom, be a better daughter, be a better sister.  I'd love to wake up every day and do what I love, and love what I do. Friends, this short girl (I'm 5'2'') has a long list of New Years' Resolutions and Dreams. Is there anyone else out there who feels motivated and hopeful at the beginning of the year but then right when you fail in the steps to accomplish the goals set-up on January 1st, 2018, you feel disappointed and doubtful of yourself? I know the whole resolutions thing can be a little overwhelming, especially when you find yourself failing at any one of them, or finding out that it will take ALOT of work, and dedication to accomplish just one of those things you set yourself out to do (never mind if you're like me and have about 99 of them). Yes, I have dreams and goals for this year but the truth is, to accomplish anything that is worth while in life, it will take hard work, dedication, patience, and determination. I believe the resolutions shouldn't last only until the second week of January but should be present throughout the year. I encourage you today, to keep working on those goals you set out to accomplish this year. I know it's only the 4th day of the month but, I can guarantee that I have already failed at one, if not many, of the goals I have for myself this year. I know that it can get to be discouraging but keep pressing forward. If you fail, get back up, and try again.

P.S. You may not need so much encouragement on only the 4th day of the month, so if you'd like you can come back and read this post in a couple of weeks when you REALLY can't see the light at the end of the resolution tunnel.

Love Always,

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